REVIEW: Stillwater [2021]

Life is brutal. I’ll let Amanda Knox speak on the topic of consent where it comes to using another person’s trauma to sell your art and the refusal to realize how doing so inevitably destroys the hard work that person put in to fight for truth in the face of a ubiquitous media-fueled lie. Just know that my needing to mention it is all director Tom McCarthy‘s fault. He’s the one who brought up that Knox’s imprisonment for a crime she didn’t commit was the springboard for Stillwater. He’s the…

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REVIEW: The Sisters Brothers [2018]

Are you going to watch? Many assumptions can be made during the opening scene of Jacques Audiard‘s The Sisters Brothers. It’s here where we meet the titular siblings (John C. Reilly‘s Eli and Joaquin Phoenix‘s Charlie Sisters) approaching a ranch with a clear warning of only wanting the man they’ve come to kill. A firefight ensues with gun blasts and light flashes in the distance until the camera pushes in on the two men storming the door to take care of those still struggling to breathe inside. They hear someone…

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REVIEW: De rouille et d’os [Rust and Bone] [2012]

“What’s up Robocop?” There’s nothing like a little tragic drama helping troubled souls find purpose in their lives to warm your heart. No, really, there isn’t. With the way the movies tell it, sometimes I get jealous I’ve never gone through a horrible near-death experience or witnessed someone close to me doing so because those things always seem to meander their way into allowing their victims to achieve that ever-elusive moment of clarity. Sure the path probably contains a few more rough patches—with the worst generally yet to come—but sometimes…

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